GlobalMemberSuport is a permission-based e-mailing service. You can use your GMS-account only to send e-mail newsletters and announcements to people that have given you their permission to e-mail them.

Permission OK:

Globalmembersupport will not share, sell, rent or otherwise disclose the personal information (name, postal address, e-mail address) of the customers without their advance permission, unless otherwise ordered by a court of law. All personal information collected is used solely to contact the customers in regard to their use of this service.

Information gathered from control panel usage is logged solely to determine customers' needs related to the Globalmembersupport service and web design.

Use of E-zine Subscriber Information

Globalmembersupport is not an e-mail list rental service and does not share, rent, sell or otherwise disclose any e-mail addresses or other information that the customers provide or collect regarding their e-zine subscribers. Customers retain complete ownership and control of their subscription lists at all times.


Globalmembersupport has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under its control. This includes personal information as well as subscription lists.